It's almost time for launch!

Purchasing before launch means you get access to the trainer to ask your questions via email for 2 weeks of the course! After launch, the course will only be available as a self-study.

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Audit vs Working Spots

Which is best for me?

As an auditor, you'll have access to all the material in the course to review yourself. If you pre-enroll before launch, you'll also get to ask any questions you have via email to the trainer!

However, working spots are the ideal choice if you want hands on help teaching your dog the tricks in the course. A working spot includes

  • 2 hours of live video sessions with the trainer (coordinated to your schedule)
  • A clicker and wrist coil mailed to you so you have the tools you need
  • Unlimited phone, text, and email support

To join as an auditor, simply click the "join" button at the top of this page.

To join as a working student, there are two steps. 

  • Join the course here at the top of the page, so you have the same access as auditors
  • In addition, purchase the video lesson package by clicking the button below!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Photo Skills for the Human Half

    • Environment and Lighting

    • Set Up Those Angles!

    • The Rule of Thirds

    • Prepare Your Dog

  • 2


    • Dog Posing for a Selfie With Owner

    • Dog "Holding" Camera for a Selfie Trick

    • Dog Taking Selfies Nose Trick

  • 3

    Look Where I Want

    • Sit-Stay Prep

    • Sit-Stay-People are Weird!

    • Sit-Stay-Look at the Camera!

    • Sit-Stay-Look at Something Else!

  • 4

    Capturing Candids

    • Set Up

    • Candid Photo Ideas

  • 5


    • Thanks for Finishing this Course!

If you are a shelter or rescue employee, please reach out to [email protected] for information on how to get a discount code!